Planning application lodged for £12m Edinburgh development
A planning application has been lodged by Sheratan Ltd to build housing, a new primary school and a long talked about park for Edinburgh.
The area, covering c. 170 acres at the Edmonstone Estate in Little France, will be masterplanned to maximise the benefits to the South East of the City.
The development includes c.773 much-needed houses, of which 25 per cent will be affordable housing units, and a new two-stream primary school, to be constructed by the developer at an estimated cost of £7m.
It is proposed that c.60% of the land will be retained as greenspace including parkland and cycle and pedestrian links, delivering a long-term aspiration for the Council.
Local community projects will also receive £500,000 support under the proposal, to provide training and employment.
The land on which the development is proposed was originally gifted to the council by the applicant over 10 years ago under terms that restrict what the Council can do with it.
Should Sheratan receive planning permission it will buy the land back from the Council and it is keen that the City earmark any capital receipt, around £12 million, to fund the delivery of much needed facilities within the area, such as the proposed High School in Craigmillar.
The development will deliver much needed housing to the City in an area where neighbouring sites such as The Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Sick Kids and BioQuarter, are anticipated to see employment boosted from c. 5,000 to c. 16,000 over the next 5 years.
The new primary school will not only accommodate those children generated by the new development, but would reduce pressure on other local schools by accommodating children from neighbouring areas.
The parkland will provide a key piece of green infrastructure for the city and region. It will create space for recreational opportunities and provide strategic greenspace links to local communities and employment opportunities, connecting developments.
Funding, amounting to £100,000 per annum over five years, will be provided by Sheratan Ltd to support local community initiatives such as the Greater Craigmillar Factoring and Training (GCFT), part of the Community Alliance Trust. GCFT provides training for vocational and accredited landscape services, working with Castlebrae High School and local employability projects. In addition to training the GCFT will trade as a community owned landscaping services company, providing employment in the area.
The proposal comes on the back of approved residential developments on the Edmonstone Estate in the Walled Garden and 8-Acre Field and “Policies”, amounting to c.110 and c. 400 houses respectively. Sheratan is also responsible for delivering residential development at Greendykes which is currently being built out by Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey.
A spokesman for Sheratan Ltd said: “We are delighted to be lodging this planning application, which will not only deliver much needed housing for the City, but a new primary school and, in conjunction with the City Council, a community park that has been talked about for many years. We will also be providing funding to support training and employment locally. This development will therefore deliver real benefits to the local community and the city.”