Planning permission refused for 250 new homes in Peterculter

The development boundary (Image by Halliday Fraser Munro)
A bid to expand the Aberdeen village of Peterculter with 250 new homes has failed to gain the support of Aberdeen City Council.
About this development:
- Authority:Aberdeen City
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Halliday Fraser Munro (architect), First Endeavour LLP (developer)
First Endeavour LLP had sought to build the new properties in the north of the community. The houses were designed by Halliday Fraser Munro to border Bucklerburn Road and the B979 Malcolm Road, on land occupied by the Tillyoch Equestrian Centre at present.
The application had been recommended for refusal by council planners who said there was “no urgent demand” for new houses in the area and that building on the ancient woodland would be “unacceptable”.
Almost 300 people had written to the local authority also calling for the plan to be rejected amid fears nearby ancient woodland would be destroyed.
The proposal was rejected by the planning committee in a 7-6 vote.
The developer had insisted local woodland will be incorporated into the design, with “natural assets” being conserved.
Documents lodged by Halliday Fraser Munro said the “pockets” of housing will be “carefully placed” around existing areas of ancient woodland.
The statement added: “The vision for Tillyoch is to create an opportunity for a new sustainable development, a mixed-use community that respects the existing urban pattern of Peterculter and its natural woodland setting.”
The architects also said the layout was formed following several studies – including on “environmental robustness”.