Plans lodged for 23 extra care flats in Newport

Plans lodged for 23 extra care flats in Newport

Image: Andrew Black Design

A vacant and derelict site in the heart of Newport-on-Tay could soon be home to 23 extra care flats for elderly residents under new plans submitted to Fife Council.

Andrew Black Design has lodged the planning application on behalf of developer GMC Ventures for the assisted living accommodation at Boat Road, which sits within the Newport-on-Tay conservation area.

Replacing two derelict unlisted buildings, the proposal aims to rejuvenate a site which has lain empty for over 40 years.

It is proposed to construct 23 extra care flats over three floors, including four accessible flats and 19 amenity flats. There will also be a warden’s office, waste, technical and storage spaces on site. The mix of one and two-bedroom flats provides options for economical accommodation with a smaller footprint while also providing some accommodation for older couples, particularly those with special needs.

Andrew Black Design stated: “Due to the complex topography of the site, the footprint of the proposed building varies from floor to floor. The building appears as a number of smaller volumes with a varied and playful roofline, and brighter and darker earthy colours, recalling long demolished historic buildings on the site. The design begins to create a historically appropriate street scene, restoring the lost spatial quality of Boat Road.

“The building will be resource efficient in terms of energy used for heating, ventilation and lighting. It will be well insulated and integrate photovoltaic panels on south facing roofs and use air source heat pumps to heat the flats.”

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