Plans submitted for 20 flats beside Arbroath’s Webster Theatre

Dundee firm George Martin Builders has submitted plans to build twenty new flats on vacant ground beside Arbroath’s Webster Theatre.
The site - on Arbroath High Street - was previously home to the offices of environment agency Sepa which were demolished in 2021 after a dangerous buildings notice was issued. The site has lain empty since.
The 630sq m site at 60-62 High Street is in Arbroath’s conservation area. Records show there were buildings on it as far back as 1822, the Courier reports.
George Martin Builders says its plans will deliver “much needed energy-efficient residential accommodation into the town centre. It said: “It will remove a derelict open area replacing it with an attractive, contemporary intervention in the townscape. This development will infill and re-establish the building line of the High Street.
Hillcrest has committed to supporting the development. The application is for a mix of apartments. There is no car parking, but the applicants say that is available at the Ladybridge Street and Marketgate public car parks.