Plans submitted for Blair Hill Wind Farm

Solwaybank Wind Farm in Dumfries and Galloway
Renewable energy company RES has submitted a Section 36 application to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for its 14-turbine Blair Hill Wind Farm proposal.
If approved, the development, located 2.7km north of Newton Stewart in Dumfries and Galloway, would be capable of generating clean, low-cost electricity for the equivalent of over 115,000 homes every year.
As part of the proposal, RES is committed to providing a community benefit package worth more than £23 million over the project’s operational lifetime. During the construction, the project could also deliver £17m of inward investment in the form of jobs, employment and the use of local services, and a further £125m of economic activity linked to operations and maintenance and through business rates paid to Dumfries and Galloway Council.
Coinciding with the submission, RES is holding two drop-in information sessions to allow members of the public to view the plans in their submitted form. The drop-in sessions will be held on between 3-8pm on Monday 24 March at the County Buildings Hall in Wigtown and Tuesday 25 March at the McMillan Hall in Newton Stewart.
Sarah McArthur, development project manager at RES, said: “We are delighted to have reached this milestone in the Blair Hill Wind Farm project and would like to thank everyone who participated in our public consultations in October 2023 and May 2024. The feedback we received from both the community and statutory consultees has been instrumental in shaping the final design of the wind farm.
“As part of our development plans, we propose to create a signposted, accessible heritage trail that will guide visitors through the site’s historical features, unlocking the rich archaeological heritage for the local community and tourists to the area alike.”
Dumfries and Galloway is predicted to have one of the highest demands for the onshore wind workforce in Scotland by 20301. In response to this, RES is committed to engaging universities and colleges within Dumfries and Galloway to offer learning and career development opportunities for students during the construction phase of the project, if it is consented.
The wind farm planning submission follows the delivery of an extensive community consultation programme with consultation events held in Newton Stewart, Wigtown, and Kirkcowan in October 2023 and May 2024. A Community Liaison Group (CLG) was also established between RES and the community, to create an effective and transparent channel of communication between RES, the local community and stakeholders.
Sarah added: “We will continue to engage with the local community throughout the application process and I would encourage those interested to attend our information sessions at the County Buildings Hall in Wigtown and McMillan Hall in Newton Stewart on 24 and 25 March respectively.”