Plans submitted for new £37m housing estate in South Ayrshire
Wilsons Hampshire has submitted plans worth £37 million to build 250 new homes, a care home and shop units on the outskirts of Ayr.
About this development:
- Authority:South Ayrshire
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:ID Partnership (architect)

The developer intends to build the home son fields beside Ailsa and Ayr hospitals.
It is estimated around 745 residents could live in the proposed estate. There are proposals for 220 houses, 30 flats, a care home and six business units. A quarter of the new homes are to be set aside as social affordable housing.
A design and access statement submitted to South Ayrshire Council reads: “Local analysis has shown that there is a growing housing shortfall in the principle town of Ayr, emphasised by demand of local people for new quality homes.”

The statement from architects IDPartnership added: “An observation has been made that some people are leaving the area to access new home provision within nearby North and East Ayrshire.”
Terraced, semi and detached houses would be available offering two, three or four bedrooms.
The business premises could be occupied by a supermarket, coffee shop, gym, office or crèche according to design documents.

The 24-acre site is separate from the potential Corton development nearby. It runs alongside the A713, which can face traffic queues destined for the hospital from the A77 direction.
Detailing how vehicles would enter the proposed estate a design document said: “Proposed access will be taken from Ayr Hospital Road, off the A713.
“The site entrance is located at the existing junction off this road and forms an informal loop around the site with the potential to continue with branches to a further development phase to the south.”