Plans submitted for recreation and event space at Govan Graving Docks

A planning application has been submitted to transform a historic brownfield site along the Clyde into a new publicly accessible open green space.
Permission is being sought for greenspace, pedestrian paths and seating on vacant land at the Govan Graving Docks in Glasgow. The open space will also comprise of flexible
space for pop-up markets and community events creating a dynamic setting for visitors and locals alike.
The planning application is part of a masterplan to bring new life to the area and its three docks, which have lain derelict for almost 40 years. Restoration works are already
underway at the reopened Dry Dock No1 on the TS Queen Mary, while a planning application to build 304 new homes in the area is currently under consideration.
It is anticipated that 80% of the site will transfer to community ownership as part of the broader masterplan, guided by a Working Group established by the Central Govan Action
Plan Steering Group (CGAP) in collaboration with site owners New City Vision.
Deirdre Gaughan, chairperson of Govan Graving Docks Working Group, said: “The submission of the planning application is an exciting milestone for everyone involved. Local people have used the Docks as an unofficial recreation space for years but the site isn’t safe or accessible. These plans will deliver a space that is safe to use and a focal point for activities and events.
“The opening of the Govan-Partick Bridge earlier in the year was a landmark date and we’re already seeing more people visiting the area as a result. The re-development of the
Graving Docks is an exciting opportunity to create a waterfront that Govan can be proud of after many years of neglect. A waterfront that can be enjoyed by local people and visitors to the area.”
The proposals have been developed following public consultations over the past 18 months, giving members of the local community a chance to have their say on the regeneration of the historic site.
Harry O’Donnell, chairman of New City Vision, said: “The plans to create a new riverside destination, via a new publicly owned open space, have been designed to bring activity, vibrancy and vitality back to this derelict site. This project is central to the broader vision, which includes several complementary elements to reconnect the people of Govan and Glasgow with the Docks once more.
“The new open space will not only promote physical and mental wellbeing but, through the creation of flexible areas for pop-up markets and community events, will establish a
dynamic hub that encourages creativity, fosters community spirit, and provides a space for cultural and social activities.”