Plans submitted for South East Ayr supermarket and infrastructure works

Sainsburys supermarket The Harris PartnershipProposals for a multi-million pound sustainable new community at Corton in South East Ayr have taken a step forward with the lodging of planning applications for a supermarket, as well as for infrastructure to facilitate wider development.

Plans for future works include 750 houses, a new primary school, hotel, a neighbourhood centre, shops, pub/restaurant, business units and community and leisure facilities.

The application for supermarket for Sainsbury’s, by real estate investment company LXB, forms part of the first phase of the mixed-use development at Corton which was approved by South Ayrshire Council in 2014.

The supermarket, designed by architects The Harris Partnership, will boast a restaurant, petrol filling station, over 600 parking spaces and recycling facilities. It is expected to provide around 400 jobs once finished.

The application for infrastructure will include works to construct a new roundabout on the A77; a pedestrian/cycle/equestrian bridge to link Corton to Ayr across the A77, and roads and services within the site to serve the development.

It is anticipated that planning applications will be lodged within the coming months for the first phase of business units and housing.

The overall South East Ayr Development Masterplan envisages 2,700 new homes be delivered over 30 years in three phases - Corton, Alton and Cockhill - on a 450 acre site. It will deliver sustainable economic opportunities for Ayr and the wider area, integrating the new community and offering an enriched public realm for residents and visitors.

The commencement of the 155-acre Corton phase of the South East Ayr Development supports the unlocking of development to the remainder of the South East Ayr Development Masterplan by funding the upgrading of offsite roads and roundabouts. In addition to this the Corton development provides land and up-front funding for the new primary school which serves the entire development area.

It is envisaged that the Corton Development will bring around a 1,000 new jobs to the local area and deliver total new investment in South Ayrshire of approximately £184 million.

Sandra Carter from LXB said: “We are delighted to be lodging these planning applications for the first phase of the Corton Development, which will bring a Sainsbury’s supermarket, a pub/restaurant, business space and most importantly new housing to the area within the next few years.

“It is encouraging that the vision for this sustainable new community is now being turned into a reality.

“The project now has real momentum and we look forward to meeting with key local stakeholders over the next few weeks to update them on our proposals.

“The South East Ayr development is one of Scotland’s largest mixed-use developments, creating jobs, boosting the local economy, providing much needed homes and delivering new and upgraded infrastructure. It is one that the whole of Ayrshire should be proud to support.”

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