Podcast: ESG and financing decarbonisation with Nick Pollard
Our #COP26SCN feature continues today with episode 2 of the Scottish Housing News Podcast in which former Dundee housing convener and housing justice campaigner Jimmy Black and Scottish Housing News editor Kieran Findlay speak with Link Group’s finance director Nick Pollard about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and housing association finance.

Last month, Link Group announced that its sustainability commitments enabled it to become the first Scottish social housing provider to access an £80 million funding deal from Scottish Widows.
Borrowed on a 30-year term, the environmental, social and governance (ESG) linked loan is connected to Link’s commitment to sustainability performance targets, with the funds supporting the delivery of new affordable housing.

Nick Pollard
In this episode, Nick Pollard explains what ESG is, its role in Link’s £80 million funding deal from Scottish Widows and why investors are increasingly seeking to back climate-friendly projects.
Jimmy Black has written a blog to accompany the episode.
The Scottish Housing News Podcast is available on our host site Anchor as well as the following platforms:
The Black’s Blog and episode 2 of the Scottish Housing News Podcast is part of our #COP26SCN feature in conjunction with our sister publication Scottish Construction Now showcasing the efforts of Scotland’s dynamic affordable housing sector to tackle the climate crisis.
New contributions are still welcome and feel free to join in the conversation on social media using #COP26SCN.