Preferred bidder to deliver final stage of Helensburgh Waterfront

Preferred bidder to deliver final stage of Helensburgh Waterfront

Argyll and Bute Council has agreed a preferred bidder to deliver the final stage of the multi-million pound Helensburgh Waterfront development.

A proposal by Forrest Development Ltd was agreed by councillors at the Policy and Resources Committee, as offering deliverable, long-term benefits for Helensburgh.

The proposal allows for single-story commercial units, one large enough for a supermarket, and additional smaller units; an area for a skate park, and space for additional car parking.

Over the past 10 years, the council has invested over £20 million in the Waterfront’s new leisure centre and swimming pool, car park, sea defences and public realm. The last part of that regeneration is the completion of the West Clyde Street section as an area for commercial opportunity. This will complement the town centre regeneration already delivered, and underpin the financial investment already made in the Waterfront.

The council followed a thorough assessment process to identify the right developer and proposal. As well as using an appraisal process agreed by the local Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee, the council brought in additional scrutiny of the final two bids, with external assessment by expert consultants. Both assessments reached the same recommendation, which was considered and agreed by councillors last week.

Councillor Ross Moreland, policy lead for Finance and Commercial Services, said: “It is really positive that we attracted such a high level of interest in this important site in what are very challenging economic and commercial circumstances. It shows a lot about the strength and attraction of Helensburgh. The regeneration of the Waterfront is about supporting day-to-day life and longer-term economic success for Helensburgh. Today’s decision is another step forward in building on the successful transformation the Waterfront area has already seen. It’s about making good things happen for Helensburgh.”

As investment projects of this scale often attract differing views on what is needed, public engagement was an important part of reaching this stage, from developing the local plans which agreed uses for this part of Helensburgh, to the masterplan for the Waterfront. While views were split on whether this section should be for commercial or community use, public feedback on a commercial development was in favour of single story construction of a standard consistent with the leisure centre development.

The council will now develop negotiations with Forrest Developments Ltd with more detail being worked up prior to a planning application being submitted. Further reports will go to the Policy and Resources Committee later in the year.

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