Proposals for low carbon Dunbar development set to go on display
The public will have the chance to view proposals and provide comments on the delivery of a low carbon community at Hallhill, Dunbar.

Part of the Hallhill development, DunBear Park has been designed around The DunBear sculpture.
Built on the success of the sculpture, the development will assist in creating jobs and delivering housing for key workers. It will also play a major role in supporting the economic recovery from the current COVID-19 crisis, in which the construction sector could play a major part.
The sculpture pays tribute to Dunbar-born naturalist John Muir, credited with playing a key role in the establishment of national parks around the world.
With the temporary suspension of public consultation events for major planning applications by the Scottish Government due to COVID-19, these have moved online through production of a dedicated website highlighting development proposals.
The consultation event will take place on the DunBear Park website from 2pm to 8pm on June 3. Consultants will be available to answer any questions, receive feedback between these times and feedback can be submitted via the website.
Conscious that not everyone has internet access information hard copies of consultation boards and feedback forms can be obtained following the event by writing to: DunBear Park, c/o Orbit Communications, 4 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JE or by telephone: 0131 202 3259.
Feedback can be submitted up to June 26.
Virtual meetings have already taken place with representatives from local community councils and other key stakeholders.
DunBear Park is a 54.3-acre mixed-use development that will provide a variety of retail, office, leisure, distribution and residential opportunities, as well as community uses.
This includes retail and leisure units, drive-thru units, a hotel, offices, a nursery, care home and elderly amenity flats, as well as industrial and storage units. An innovation centre will also assist in accelerating the business growth of entrepreneurs, business start-ups and SMEs
The plans also include 100 low carbon affordable homes for rent. These will be aimed at key workers, such as NHS staff, police and care workers and will be delivered without any government subsidy.
East Lothian Council currently has a housing list with 3,444 applicants and in addition a study carried out for the council identified a need for over 4,000 homes for mid-market rent.
DunBear Park will adopt innovative low carbon technology to generate renewable heat and power on site, ensuring minimal impact on the environment. Since commencing work in 1999 the Hallhill mixed-use development has delivered considerable retail and leisure opportunities.
Over the years it has grown and brought major economic benefits to Dunbar and East Lothian. An independent economic assessment identified that over 600 jobs have been created, 1,524 homes have been built or are under construction and over £30 million is being contributed into the local economy every year (Mackay Consulting 2018).
Speaking on behalf of Hallhill Developments Ltd, Ken Ross, said: “We are delighted to be putting forward our proposals to the local community for this exciting low carbon development and look forward to its involvement in shaping these proposals.
“DunBear Park will assist in creating jobs and delivering much-needed housing for key workers. It will also assist in supporting the construction-led recovery from the current crisis.
“We are seeking to deliver is an exemplar development, which not only Dunbar, but East Lothian and Scotland can be proud. The support of the community will be crucial in achieving this.”