Proposed cladding legislation consultation responses published

Responses to the Scottish Parliament’s recent call for views on its proposed Cladding Remediation Bill have now been published.
Introduced last month, the bill is being introduced to reduce the risk to life from unsafe cladding on people’s homes. It gives powers to Scottish Ministers to assess and remediate certain types of buildings with unsafe cladding.
Scottish Ministers will need to record these assessments and any remediation works completed in a register. The bill also allows Scottish Ministers to create a responsible developers scheme.
The Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee launched a consultation on the proposals which ran from 8th November to 8th December. 63 responses have now been published.
Ariane Burgess MSP, committee convener, said: “This morning we have published the responses to our call for views on the Scottish Government’s Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill following a four-week consultation.
“As this was the first and only opportunity for the public to engage with the proposals and provide feedback, it was important we heard from as broad a range of stakeholders.
“We welcome the engagement from owners, residents, industry professionals, and experts, as their input is crucial in our efforts to scrutinise this legislation and resolve the issues of dangerous and defective cladding in homes across Scotland.”