Our most read stories of 2017

From new contacts to Pictish discoveries, here are the stories which caught the attention of Scottish Construction Now readers throughout 2017

  1. A737 Dalry bypass contract to be awarded
  2. Pictish carving found at £35m A9/A85 project

  3. Glasgow approves plans for £20m hotel
  4. Video shows unexpected collapse during demolition at St James Centre site
  5. £370,000 embezzlement led to loss of jobs at Glasgow construction firm
  6. Muir Construction to deliver £10m Aviemore retail park

  7. A9 dualling shortlist revealed as first section prepares to open
  8. Hotel and student accommodation plans unveiled for landmark Glasgow buildings
  9. V&A Dundee gets the Star Wars treatment
  10. Multiplex awarded £700m University of Glasgow contract

  11. Doosan Babcock to complete Glasgow waste plant for Viridor
  12. ‘Forgotten’ construction workers win their redundancy battle
  13. Ambitious Glenrothes town centre redevelopment underway
  14. Robertson to lead £750m Scape framework in Scotland

  15. Architecture and occupational therapy students join forces to design for dementia
  16. Fifteen jobs lost as Fife builder goes under
  17. £250m masterplan launched for Rosyth waterfront as Fife ‘opens for business’
  18. Plans for £25m motorsport centre at Rest and Be Thankful

  19. Scottish subcontractor ‘on brink of insolvency’ over payment dispute
  20. Contractor appointed for anchor development at Ayr’s Riverside Block
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