Record day for Scottish Construction Now

Yesterday was a record day for Scottish Construction Now with over 30,000 visitors to its website.
The total number of unique visitors was 30,483 - reaching a new milestone. The free daily SCN newsletter was also sent to 10,110 readers.
Last year, over 1,000 new subscribers, a rise of over 10%, signed up for the daily newsletter - the best way to keep informed about Scotland’s dynamic and fast-changing construction scene.
But the most phenomenal increases were on web traffic with unique visitors up by over 45,000 per month and the rapid growth of SCN LinkedIn followers which trebled with an additional 6,000 readers taking the total from 3,044 to 9,109. Twitter and Facebook followers were also well up.
SCN editor Kieran Findlay said: “It has been a challenging but amazing year for all of us at SCN. We stuck by our readers during dark uncertain times and they have stuck by us. I’d like to the thank all of our readers, advertisers and PR and comms professionals who have made SCN such a success.”
He added: “I’d also like to thank my fellow editors Connor Beaton and Lauren Brown as well, of course, as our advertising team Jeff Anderson and Raymond Carr.”