Record month for Scottish Construction Now

SCNow_280The revamped Scottish Construction Now website is proving more popular than ever with its readers after attracting a record 39,000 unique visitors last month.

Page views for the site at topped 75,000 over the same period, maintaining its continuous monthly increase since its launch in October 2014.

Subscribers to the free daily newsletter increased by 113 to 5,622 while our Twitter following grew by 117 to reach 1,837. In addition, the number of Facebook followers and members of our LinkedIn group are also on the up.

SCN editor Kieran Findlay said: “These figures prove that our site is attracting a wide readership which extends far beyond our newsletter subscribers.

“Like all websites, it is very much a work in progress and we are committed to developing the website further, but its continued increase in unique users and views is certainly encouraging. We expect to hit the 1 million page view milestone in the next couple of months.

“Our new website, record circulation figures and soaring number of Twitter followers mean that we are constantly adding value for our advertisers.”

For information on advertising on SCN contact Jeff Anderson on 01292 479443 or email

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