Renewables project in protected golden eagle site complete

Construction of a hydro scheme in a protected area designated for golden eagles is now complete following over eight years of careful design incorporating the highest levels of environmental safeguarding.
Environmental, planning and engineering consultancy Arcus supported renewable energy company RWE throughout the planning and construction of the 2MW Glen Noe Hydro Scheme, located within the Glen Noe Estate, near Loch Etive in Argyll and Bute.
Arcus’ team, which provides specialist services from a project’s inception until completion, delivered several environmental assessments including ecology, landscape character and visual assessment, hydrology, cultural heritage, noise and traffic and transport.
Stuart Davidson at Arcus said: “The Glen Noe Hydro Scheme is located within a Special Protection Area, designated for golden eagles and it also includes a Site of Special Scientific Interest, and hosts nationally significant bryophytes species.
“It is a very sensitive site environmentally, but we were able to draw on the deep expertise within Arcus and our partners to guide RWE and the consenting process.”
Andrew Logie, who was RWE’s project manager, previously added: “Given the environmental sensitivities of the site, it was important to engage well with the regulators and designers from the outset, with early input shaping the design of the scheme.
“Arcus worked particularly well with Scottish Natural Heritage (now NatureScot) and with the design team in developing what should be an exemplary renewables project sensitively located within this special place.”