Renfrewshire Council announces £112m housing investment
Renfrewshire Council has announced it will invest £112.98 million in council housing over the next three years and will implement a council tax freeze.
The council’s Housing Capital Investment Plan will invest money £20.40m in 2021/22, £42.83m in 2022/23 and £49.75m in 2023/24 in a range of programmes that will improve the council’s current housing, create new-build council homes and ensure all its houses meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing.
The investment plan was approved as the council agreed a 1.5% increase in council housing rent was also agreed following a consultation with tenants.
The council tax freeze was revealed as the council agreed its budget for 2021/22 in which the council intends to help everyone in Renfrewshire recover from the profound impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
The council said that the £449.8mbudget prioritises people’s wellbeing with targeted support for those communities most affected by COVID-19.
The first year of the Housing Capital Investment programme includes plans to build 101 homes in Tannahill in Ferguslie, Paisley and 39 houses in Auchengreoch Road, South West Johnstone, with work expected to start on both shortly. Further developments in Foxbar and Gallowhill, which will create around 100 homes in total, are also planned.
The council has also revealed it will invest in programmes which will focus on improving the external fabric of our Council homes, kitchen and bathroom upgrades, improved electrical wiring and heating systems, investment in laundrettes and disabled adaptations, and improvements to multi-storey flats and sheltered housing.
The programme to upgrade smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they meet the new Scottish Government’s standards which come into effect in February 2022 will also continue.
Renfrewshire Council has also confirmed the continuation of the £443.5m capital investment programme well underway across Renfrewshire, which includes record-level spending on roads and paths investment and town centre regeneration.
The council has also said a programme of investment has been agreed to enhance the safe enjoyment of popular outdoor local spaces, additional funding for adult social care, new schemes for local businesses and an increase to school facility funds.
Some £2.7m will be allocated to help tackle inequalities and alleviate household financial hardship, building on pioneering programmes well underway tackling poverty and changing the lives of people impacted by drug and alcohol use.