Residents asked for input on West Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan

Residents are being asked to help shape a new plan which will ensure the best use of land throughout West Dunbartonshire.
A new Local Development Plan (LDP) for West Dunbartonshire will be created to guide all future planning and development in the area.
Ahead of the plan being developed, the council is asking residents, businesses and organisations in the area to share their views and get involved in preparing the plan.
In particular, views are being sought from young people, people with disabilities and older residents (and their carers) to ensure the LDP reflects their needs and these can be planned for.
Councillor Lawrence O’Neill, convener of the council’s Planning Committee, said: “The Local Development Plan is a really significant Council document, which we use to help us decide planning applications and where development does and does not happen in West Dunbartonshire. The next Local Development Plan will help us plan the future of West Dunbartonshire over the next 10+ years, and it is important that West Dunbartonshire residents and organisations get involved at an early stage to help us shape the future of the area.”
The council is also inviting local communities to prepare Local Place Plans for their neighbourhoods. Local Place Plans offer an opportunity for communities to positively influence the future planning of their areas, and the council will take Local Place Plans into account when preparing its Local Development Plan.
Interested communities should contact the council and planning staff will be happy to explain the process of preparing a Local Place Plan and the support that the council can offer.
Councillor Gurpreet Singh Johal, vice convener of the committee, added: “Local Place Plans offer a new and exciting opportunity for West Dunbartonshire communities to plan the future of their neighbourhoods. They can include community aspirations for a range of land uses such as housing, open spaces or active travel routes. Preparation of the plans is to be community-led, but the council will offer as much support as it can to communities who are interested in preparing a Local Place Plan.”
More information about the Local Development Plan and Local Place Plans is available here.