Rest and Be Thankful survey works to start next week

Topographical surveys to inform the design work for the long-term solution at the Rest and Be Thankful, including the use of a drone, are to start on Monday 13 November, subject to weather conditions.
The work is expected to last around three weeks, taking place Monday to Friday with no work at weekends.
Some traffic management measures will be required on the A83 and the B828 to allow the work to be carried out safely. These will include rolling lane closures with two-way traffic lights, moving as the survey work progresses.
A Transport Scotland spokesperson said: “These topographical surveys, starting on Monday 13 November, subject to weather conditions, will provide key information for the design work as we progress the preferred option for the long-term solution at the Rest and Be Thankful. The surveys are aimed at capturing features such as roads, service covers, structures, vegetation and boundary lines along the preferred route corridor.
“We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and would thank road users and local people in advance for their patience during the works. The contractor will closely monitor the operation of the traffic management measures to ensure that any delays are kept to a minimum.”