Rettie advises on over £750m worth of residential property projects

Rettie advises on over £750m worth of residential property projects

Pictured (L-R): Tino Mackay Palacios, Sandy Gilmour, and Callum Beattie from Rettie's land and development (credit: Stewart Attwood)

Rettie’s land and development team has advised on over £750 million worth of residential property projects during 2024, equating to over 2,200 residential units during the year.

Development partners and clients included Thriving Investments, Forth Ports, CCG, S1 Developments, and Moda.

Among key assignments in 2024, the Land and Development team advised Places for People Developments on the acquisition of a 100-acre site at Redheughs Village near Gogarburn in Edinburgh where there are plans to build up to 1,350 residential units, S1 Developments on two plots of land at New Edinburgh Park with planning permission for 397 residential units and CCG on a 118-unit development at Western Harbour in Leith.

Sandy Gilmour, associate director, Rettie, who leads the Land and Development team, said: “The market was relatively tough in 2024, with headwinds and lots of reasons for developers to sit tight. Having said that, in Scotland we seem to be navigating towards an understanding of what rent controls will look like within rent pressure zones.  In turn, we are hopeful that residential development and investment at scale, namely Build to Rent (BTR), will be encouraged by amendments to the Housing Bill.”

He added: “Investment from patient capital must be attracted, and we hope the Scottish Government can find a way to encourage this investment back to the table in 2025.”

Rettie’s Land and Development team also includes senior associate Callum Beattie, while graduate Tino Mackay Palacios was hired during the year. Land and Development is part of Rettie’s Development Services division, which also includes New Home Sales, Built to Rent, and Consultancy and Research. 

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