Revised application for downsized Gallowgate flats proposal

A fresh proposal has been submitted to deliver 20 apartments on a site in Glasgow’s Gallowgate area.
About this development:
- Authority:Glasgow City
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:High Street Architects (architect)
The site, currently occupied by a shop, a takeaway, a pub and an old engineering workshop, was the subject of a rejected bid for 42 flats and two shops in 2020.
If approved, the new application will see a four-storey block containing 20 apartments developed on the land surrounded by the Graham Square apartment buildings.

In the new application, High Street Architects explained: “The design of the block is envisaged as a contemporary interpretation of the traditional four-storey Glasgow tenement.
“The site…remains the only undeveloped site nestling between two modern housing association developments of a quality design.”
Explaining the need for a change in approach, the architects wrote: “Following feedback from our formal pre-application consultations with the council and a failed previous application, we have adjusted the quality of the aesthetics of the design to arrive at a solution we feel is more characteristic of the Gallowgate frontage as it exists today.”