Robertson achieves Considerate Constructors Associate Membership status

Mike Petter, Considerate Constructor Scheme chairman and Gemma Nicoll, Robertson Group community development manager
Mike Petter, Considerate Constructor Scheme chairman and Gemma Nicoll, Robertson Group community development manager

Robertson Group has earned Associate Membership status with the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS).

Recognised across the industry as a beacon of best-practice, CCS was established by the construction industry to improve its image. Registration with the CCS requires members to abide by the Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements. The scheme is concerned about any area of construction activity that may have a direct or indirect impact on the image of the industry as a whole.

Associate Membership status was awarded to Robertson Group after it picked up eight Considerate Constructor Awards and were named runner up in the Most Considerate Site category at the 2014 National Site Awards ceremony in Edinburgh.

Commenting on their new found status, Robertson Group chief operating officer, Derek Shewan, said: “We have worked incredibly hard over the last few years to be in a position to apply for Associate Membership. And to have been accepted at this level is testament to the team’s efforts. We’ve really elevated ourselves through the Scheme and it is very rewarding to say that our performance has been recognised at the highest end.

“Associates not only contribute - they help shape initiatives, making us a valued partner of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. We have gone from registering four of our construction arms to 11 registered businesses including our homes division over a 10 year period, which is pretty unusual in the industry. The decision to bring our homes division into the fold was a big step for us.”

Associate members like Robertson Group must register all of their sites with the scheme; agree to work to the highest standards of consideration to the general public, the workforce and the environment; and promote the Scheme and its aims.

Robertson Group has long been committed to challenging perceptions of the construction industry, in line with the UK Government’s industry agenda, and has gone as far as to recruit CCS champions within each of its businesses.

“It is no secret that we are advocates of the Government’s construction agenda. Our CCS champions are testament to that fact. They work together and share information on a custom designed portal in an effort to action plans for the Group in line with the Scheme’s recommendations.

“Our people also regularly attend Scheme workshops and were represented at the Improving the Image of Construction conference in September.”

Robertson Group hopes that its new Associate status will help to embed the Scheme’s key principles throughout its businesses.

Considerate Constructors Scheme chief executive, Edward Hardy, said: “Robertson Group has demonstrated great commitment to improving the image of the industry and works hard to raise standards across each of its businesses. The Company clearly recognises the huge benefits of being members of the Scheme. We are particularly pleased that their homes division is registered with the Scheme as house builders form such an important part of how the construction industry’s image is portrayed.”

All Associate Members agree to register their sites with the Scheme for a period of three years, and promise to comply with all aspects of the Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice.

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