RTPI announces John McNairney as new Fellow
Scottish Government chief planner John McNairney has been elected to Fellowship of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).

John McNairney
Chartered Fellow is the highest professional membership grade offered by the RTPI and is only awarded to Chartered members who have made a major personal contribution to the planning profession for the benefit of the public.
John McNairney said: “I’m delighted to have been awarded the Fellowship of the RTPI. Our profession has always meant a great deal to me and I’ve been fortunate to have been able to work with some superb colleagues in the profession supporting planning and place over the years.”
Gareth Giles, a founding partner at Sussex-based planning consultancy Whaleback, has also been elected.
Mr Giles has previous experience as a planning officer at local authorities including Mid Sussex District Council, South Downs NPA and Brighton & Hove City Council.
He said: “I am immensely proud to be elected to Fellowship of the Institute which has real significance for me personally and professionally. I am so grateful to those in the industry who have supported and encouraged me throughout my career and nominated me for this honour.”
Under the provisions of the RTPI’s Royal Charter, Gareth and John are now entitled to use the designatory letters FRTPI.
RTPI President Sue Manns, herself a Fellow of the Institute, said: “The Award of Fellowship of the Royal Town Planning Institute recognises the significant contribution to planning and the planning profession that both Gareth and John have made. My congratulations to them both.”