Savills appointed to assess commercial options for Inverness Town House

(from left) David Haas, Highland Council senior community development manager; Depute Provost of Inverness and Area Cllr Morven Reid; Caroline Webster, Savills, director - building surveyor; Adam Davies, Savills, associate director; leader of Inverness and Area Cllr Ian Brown; Depute Provost of Inverness and Area Cllr Jackie Hendry; and chair of the Inverness Common Good Sub Committee Cllr Alex Graham (Photo: Paul Campbell)
The Highland Council on behalf of the Inverness Common Good Fund is pleased to announce an award of contract to Savills (UK) Ltd for the development of a feasibility study on the use of Inverness Town House.
Leader of Inverness and Area, Councillor Ian Brown said: “As Trustees of the Inverness Common Good, Members of the City of Inverness Area Committee have agreed to appoint Savills (UK) Ltd. I am delighted to announce that work is commencing on a feasibility study - the outcomes of which will help identify a long-term future for the Town House in the context of all the new developments that are taking place within the city.”
Provost of Inverness, Cllr Glynis Campbell Sinclair added: “I am delighted that the council has appointed such an experienced and prestigious company as Savills to appraise sustainable commercial options for the future of this much-loved historical building.
“Since Highland Council relocated staff to its headquarters in 2023, work has been progressing well on the development of this Grade A Listed Common Good Fund asset to ensure that it continues to play a productive role into the future while remaining a fully functioning base for civic events. The study enhances our ability to deliver further on the progress to date and develop new ideas”
Chair of the Inverness Common Good Sub Committee, Councillor Alex Graham, added: “As guardians of the Inverness Common Good Fund, we have an important responsibility to ensure that we maximise the return on Common Good Fund assets for the benefit of the people of Inverness. A key aim of the feasibility study is to identify ways in which to increase the Town House business potential as much as possible while retaining the historical character and civic functions of the property.”
Savills, associate director. Adam Davies, commented: “Savills is delighted to be instructed by Highland Council to conduct a feasibility study for Inverness Town House. This is an iconic building, with an important historical legacy, situated in the heart of a fast-growing city. Ensuring its continued civic accessibility, whilst also exploring complimentary uses, will be key to finding a vibrant and sustainable solution.
“With extensive experience of working with heritage assets in leisure and commercial markets, our study will explore a range of future uses. We look forward to presenting our findings to the Council for their consideration.”
The feasibility study will focus on identifying options for the use of the building and engagement with stakeholders, on the potential uses of the building. The study also requires an understanding of the commercial market environment and identification of the requirements that would be required to deliver and operate the commercial options identified. An outline business case that considers the risks and challenges to provide a robust and sustainable outcome will conclude the feasibility study.
The core principles underpinning the feasibility study are that:
- The Town House retains a core function as a civic building in the heart of the city.
- Consideration is given to the position of the Town House and how it could align with the Castle Project and wider city developments.
- Any changes, or renovations required to the interior of the property are to support future uses and must be respectful of the building’s history and status.
- A sustainable model is created for the operation of the Town House with the potential to make the property cost neutral or profitable.
The study will be reported to the City of Inverness Area Committee later in the Spring.