SCN readership hits 20,000 followers on Linkedin

We’re delighted to report that Scottish Construction Now’s busy Linkedin site has broken through the 20,000 followers milestone - a perfect way to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
SCN editor Kieran Findlay said: “To hit 20,000 Linkedin followers in our 20th year is a real vote of confidence in Scotland’s only daily construction news media. Subscribers to our free daily newsletter will hit 12,000 this year and unique visitor numbers to our popular SCN website continue to grow.”
He added: “As ever, I would like to thank our loyal readers and advertisers for their support. In addition, we’re grateful to our contributors and the PR and comms professionals who keep the stories coming.”
SCN advertising manager Raymond Carr said: “We’re getting great feedback on the service and are definitely approaching saturation circulation within Scotland’s dynamic construction sector.
“Our advertisers are getting ever greater value as our circulation and social media presence grows even further - plus we are able to offer advertising clients a range of bespoke packages utilising banners, company profiles, advertising features and dedicated email shots to our subscribers. Nothing in Scotland is remotely near offering this type of value.”
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To enquire about advertising in Scottish Construction Now, contact Raymond Carr at: and 07956 242860