Scotland Excel’s New Build Framework named ‘Best Procurement Delivery’

Representatives from Scotland Excel with the Best Procurement Delivery award (Image credit: BiP Solutions)
Scotland Excel has scooped the award for ‘Best Procurement Delivery’ at the recent Scottish GO awards for its New Build Residential Framework.
The organisation’s PPE team was also recognised, receiving highly commended in the ‘Team of the Year’ category.
The New Build Residential Framework went live in 2019 to support Scottish councils and housing associations in their efforts to procure contractors to deliver their home build programmes.
Scotland Excel chief executive, Julie Welsh, said: “It was wonderful to have the Scottish GO awards back as an ‘in person’ event this year as the awards are a fantastic way to bring Scotland’s procurement community together, to celebrate the innovative work we do.
“Scotland Excel has an excellent track record at the awards, so I was delighted to receive highly commended in the ‘Team of the Year’ category, for our PPE team who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to ensure a robust response to supply chain issues.
“And of course, we were absolutely thrilled to win the award for ‘Best Procurement Delivery’ for our New Build Residential Framework. And we’ve just been informed that we are also shortlisted in the UK GO Awards in Birmingham.
“The framework was implemented in partnership with 11 Scottish councils to support the public sector’s efforts to build new, affordable social housing throughout Scotland. It accelerates projects by reducing the time it takes councils and housing associations to engage a supplier to build homes, while also having economic and social value firmly at its core.”
The framework offers the ‘offsite’ construction method, which sees a significant amount of the build done offsite - and offers environmental sustainability benefits. The framework also offers PassivHaus builds.
It also offers social and economic benefits, with two thirds of suppliers classed as SME and all framework suppliers paying their workforce the Real Living Wage. As well as this, 60% of the sub-contracting opportunities generated, have gone to local businesses in the area where the project has been delivered.