Scotland had highest percentage of construction staff on furlough

Three quarters (75%) of eligible employees in the Scottish construction sector have been furloughed as of June 30, new figures from HMRC have revealed.

Scotland had highest percentage of construction staff on furlough

The take up of support through the UK Government’s Coronavirus Job Retentions Scheme is the highest across the UK with 70% of eligible employees furloughed in Northern Ireland, 57% in England and 59% across the UK as a whole.

According to the data, UK construction firms have claimed more than £2.6 billion through the scheme with over 752,000 employees furloughed, with 75% of employers (171,400) in the sector making use of the scheme.

Only employers responsible for wholesale, retail and repair of motor vehicles (£5.3bn), accommodation and food services (£4.1bn) and manufacturing (£3.3bn) have claimed more.

Meanwhile, those working in construction have also made the most claims through the self-employment income support scheme (SEISS). Around 867,000 construction workers received pay-outs, representing an 81% take-up rate. Pay-outs to the self-employed total just over £3bn with the average claim at £3,500.

London has the highest proportion, with 39% of claims being from those working in construction and Scotland has the lowest with 26%.

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