Scottish digital planning strategy set to launch soon
The Scottish Government is preparing to launch a new strategy will set out its goals to digitally transform planning in Scotland over a five-year programme.
Set to launch soon, the Digital Strategy for Planning will highlight the government’s five-year goals and early actions, prioritised through the stakeholder engagement that has been undertaken so far and findings from the challenges that planning has faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
In advance of the launch, material has been published on which details how this point has been reached, including:
- User Research findings and how these have been used to form a basis for the goals of the programme
- case studies showing examples of the best practice already occurring across the planning sector in Scotland
- existing and emerging technology trends with the potential to be used in planning through the government’s Horizon Scanning work, and
- how COVID-19 has impacted planning and how the lessons learned have shaped key actions moving forward.
The website also contains information on other parts of the planning reform programme as well as progress towards the publication of National Planning Framework 4.