Scottish Government explores options on purchasing Ardrossan Port

The Scottish Government has confirmed it is exploring the potential purchase of Ardrossan Harbour.
Cabinet secretary for transport Fiona Hyslop confirmed this position when responding to a Parliamentary Question earlier this week.
She said: “Today I have updated Parliament that I have instructed Transport Scotland and CMAL to explore a potential purchase of Ardrossan Harbour. I have taken this step to ensure we make progress on finding a solution at Ardrossan that can be delivered in a cost-effective way.
“Discussions and negotiations around the delivery of improvements at the port have ongoing for some time and they have been complex. Despite our best efforts we have been unable to reach an agreeable decision on the commercial approach. In my view, this was leading to uncertainty that the communities of Arran and Ardrossan cannot afford. It now makes sense to broaden the search for a solution – which now includes the potential purchase by the Scottish Government.
“I would like to highlight that all parties have used their best endeavours to agree a way forward with the business case. The owners of Ardrossan Harbour, Peel Ports Group, have highlighted that they continue to invest in the harbour to ensure it remains operational.
“We all absolutely understand people and communities’ views in favour of retaining Ardrossan as the mainland port and remain committed to ensuring the Arran ferry service is fit for the future. Discussions around the potential change of ownership are progressing at pace and in good faith and I’m confident this will bring reassurance to everyone with an interest in the Arran Ferry service. The Scottish Government will ensure a reliable and modern service which we know is vital for local communities – and we intend to invest over £530 million in the coming year to support and enhance ferry services, including for Arran.”
Jim McSporran, port director at Peel Ports Clydeport, said: “Peel Ports Group welcomes the Scottish Government’s statement that it intends to explore the potential purchase of Ardrossan Harbour.
“Since being confirmed by Scottish Ministers in 2017 as the preferred route to serve Arran, we have remained fully supportive of its redevelopment, spending several million to maintain the critical service and designing and securing necessary consents required for the harbour’s redevelopment.
“It is important to clarify that despite repeated and incorrect reports, at no point has Peel Ports Group neither received nor spent ‘millions of pounds’ of public funds to upgrade the harbour during its ownership.
“Regardless of the outcome of this process, our willingness to invest in the harbour remains steadfast. We take comfort that the port continues to operate this lifeline route and that it remains the port of choice for the people and businesses of Arran and Ardrossan.”