Scottish housing decisions faster than last year

StatsLatest quarterly statistics show faster average decision times for major and local housing developments compared to the equivalent quarter last year.

Statistics on quarterly planning performance in Scotland have been released today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.

In quarter three (October to December) of 2015/16 there were 27 decisions made on major housing developments with an average decision time of 35.3 weeks. This was slower by almost one week than the previous quarter (34.4 weeks) but over 14 weeks quicker than the equivalent quarter in 2014/15 (49.7 weeks).

For the 1,432 decisions made on local housing developments the average decision time of 13.6 weeks was almost 4 days slower than the previous quarter (13.1 weeks) but 2 days quicker than the equivalent quarter in 2014/15 (13.9 weeks).

There were a further nine major housing applications concluded that were subject to separate processing agreements, of which eight (89 per cent) met the agreed timescale that had been set between the developer and the local authority. There were also a further 39 local housing applications concluded that were subject to separate processing agreements, of which 23 (59 per cent) met the agreed timescale.

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