Skanska UK and supply chain to be carbon neutral by 2045
Skanska UK has set a new carbon reduction target which includes cutting all direct and supply chain emissions.

Gregor Craig
Supported by a number of intermediate goals, the main goal is for the firm’s portfolio of projects to be carbon neutral by 2045.
By 2030, the objective is to cut total emissions by 50% of 2010 level.
Also by 2030, Skanska UK aims to cut its carbon intensity to 130, from the 2010 level of 351. Carbon intensity measures the amount of emissions, in tonnes of CO2 equivalent gases, for each £1 million of revenue. It calculates an organisation’s carbon efficiency – the emissions produced from the activities it undertakes, rather than the total produced.
“What makes these targets different is they all include the emissions produced by the whole of our supply chain, from their work on our projects” said Skanska UK’s president and CEO, Gregor Craig. “We think that’s really important. The construction industry is different to other sectors. You’ve got to look at emissions produced by sub-contractors and suppliers during construction and maintenance. If you only look at your own direct emissions, you don’t get a true picture. Without that bigger picture, you can’t set the right strategy to deal with the emissions created.”
Skanska UK will also publish estimates, showing the total emissions of the supply chain on its projects, from 2018 back to 2010. This information will now be published annually. The estimating methodology has been independently reviewed by the consultants WSP. Skanska UK will continue to report its direct emissions through the certified emissions measurement and reduction scheme (CEMARS).
“We think it’s important to be much more transparent about carbon emissions,” added Gregor. “We think the whole industry should be publishing this kind of data every year.”
“Decarbonisation should be an industry priority. It will incentivise the sector to collaborate with the supply chain and become productive and efficient. There is now a body of evidence that links carbon with cost. So, it is even more compelling to take carbon seriously, if by doing so we can deliver better, and cheaper, solutions for our customers.”