Small developers frustrated at ‘myriad’ of housing delivery barriers

Home building stockSmall housing developers in Scotland are optimistic about the numbers of homes they aim to deliver over the next five years but have expressed frustration over the “myriad of obstacles and barriers” that they expect to face, according to a new survey.

The findings of the poll, which explored the future building expectations of small housing developers, the barriers they expect to face and how these could be addressed, have been outlined in a report by the Scottish Government.

The most notable issues included financial barriers, problems with S75s, difficulties with the planning system and delays in delivery of utilities with developers articulating a need for additional work, loss of income and viability problems stemming from the obstacles.

Respondents also made calls for financial (and other) help from central government, more cooperation from local government and utility providers. They suggested that both individually and jointly they could initiate open engagement with stakeholders in their areas to foster mutual understanding of the issues each faces.

Small Housing Developers in Scotland: Views on outputs & future prospects; obstacles and solutions to building and Help to Buy Schemes’ was published by Julie Guy at the Scottish Government’s Communities Analysis Division.

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