South Lanarkshire Council approves £100m housing investment
An ambitious programme of investment in homes is at the centre of £100 million spending plans approved by South Lanarkshire Council.

The 2020/21 Housing Capital Programme will see £97.303m being invested in maintaining and improving council houses across the region and in continuing to build new homes to the highest standard.
It is expected 455 new council houses will be completed over the course of the year.
Chair of South Lanarkshire Council housing and technical resources committee, Councillor Josh Wilson, said: “We are committed to delivering the highest possible standards in public housing, giving people quality homes to live in and helping them save money and protect the environment by investing in energy efficient, well-insulated homes.
“The capital budget agreed for 2020/21 continues to address our priorities to build new homes, improve existing ones and be fully compliant with the new Energy Efficiency Standards for Social Housing by the end of this year.”
The investment programme will in part be supported by increased investment from rents with a 3.95% increase to rents for council houses, travelling person sites, lockups and garages agreed by members of the housing and technical resources committee.
The increase is in line with that agreed following the council’s rent setting consultation with tenants.
From an online survey of council tenants, 84% of the returns felt that the rent they pay represents good or very good value for money.
The coming year will also see the continuation of South Lanarkshire’s rent harmonisation with the committee agreeing that tenants currently paying less than the harmonised level should not face an additional increase of more than £2 per week.
The committee’s recommendation will now go to the council’s executive committee for endorsement before being presented to the council for approval.