South Lanarkshire ski hut transformed into men’s shed

South Lanarkshire ski hut transformed into men’s shed

The ski hut at its original location in the Lowther Hills

An ambitious project has seen a former ski hut move from its previous location in the Lowther Hills to the centre of Leadhills.

And the hut is now in the process of being transformed into a men’s shed.

Funding from the South Lanarkshire Council-administered Renewable Energy Fund (REF) will allow the re-erection work to continue, including internal refurbishment, a new kitchen, solar panels and a heating system.

Lowther Men’s Shed received more than £94,000, with the money being paid into the REF by Andershaw Wind Farm.

Chair of Lowther Men’s Shed, Bob Lowdon, said: “Once the shed is erected and all finishings complete, it will be a fantastic community asset that can be used not just by men’s shed members (of which there are more than 70), but also by other clubs and organisations across the Lowther Hills.

“It has taken more than 18 months of hard work, especially by our secretary, and the members are grateful for the support of Seniors Together and grant funders.

“Without their help and support the project could not have reached this stage.

“The shed members and residents of the Lowther Hills are excited by this project, especially now the foundations are in ready for the erection before winter begins.”

Chair of the council’s Community and Enterprise Resources Committee, Councillor Robert Brown, said: “This is an exciting and innovative project, and moving the former ski hut five miles down from the hills was certainly not an easy task.

“The Lowther Men’s Shed deserve enormous credit for the work they have already put in, and I am delighted that the REF can now support the project further.

“I look forward to seeing the men’s shed when it is completed, and it will be a fantastic asset for the local rural community.”

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