Sportscotland objects to housing plans for Kilmarnock football pitch

The Scottish Government’s sporting agency has objected to plans to build new homes on a Kilmarnock football pitch.
Sportscotland has voiced concerns over proposals to construct 58 new houses on the Moorfield estate with part of the planned site wiping out a full-size football pitch.
Bellway Homes has tried to counter the loss of the green space with an ‘informal kickabout area’ and a new trim trail at the site near Dumfries Drive.
However, Sportscotland said that the blueprints don’t compensate for the loss of the pitch and that “no financial contribution is being offered in lieu of on-site provision.”
Sportscotland registered an objection to the grand plans unless this position changes.
The pitch in question has lay abandoned for over ten years with residents believing it was not safe to play on because of a gas main — a claim that was rubbished by Bellway at a public consultation event.
With East Ayrshire Council refusing to adopt the pitch because of the depth gas main running underneath means their grass-cutting equipment can’t be used, the space has been left in a strange limbo for many years along with a bricked-up sports pavilion that was intended to be changing rooms.
Bellway Homes now wants to erect a mix of terraced, detached and semi-detached homes on a parcel of unused land along with the pitch on the estate.
New homes would also be zoned for Gargieston Primary and Grange Academy along with denominational schools St Andrew’s Primary and St Joseph’s Academy, the Daily Record reports.
Despite overcrowding concerns at Grange Academy, East Ayrshire’s head of education, Linda McAulay-Griffiths, gave her blessing to plans commenting that it was “anticipated that early years, primary and secondary establishments could accommodate young people from this development.”
Recent data shows Grange Academy had almost 100 more pupils than its registered capacity. Moorfield residents had also voiced concerns that existing play parks could be removed to accommodate the new trim trail but Bellway has confirmed this is not the case.
Bellway Homes has revealed that it has no intentions of upgrading the existing facilities but this will be considered in consultation with the planning authority.
East Ayrshire Council has still to rule on the planning application and the public are still able to submit their views on the application.