Stewart Milne cuts 33 north-east workers as North Sea woes hit

North-east-based construction firm Stewart Milne Group has cited the effects of the downturn in the North Sea energy industry on the region as the reason for its decision to cut 33 local jobs.

Stewart Milne Group, which has its headquarters in Westhill near Aberdeen and employs 900 people in a £250million plus turnover business spanning operations in the north-east as well as Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester and Oxford, confirmed the redundancies yesterday although the affected staff were infirmed during the third quarter of 2016.

A spokesman for the company said: “The oil and gas downturn has impacted upon parts of the new homes market in the north-east of Scotland and we reviewed our business in light of this.

“We expect the local market to recover but took prudent steps early. Outside the region, our operations across central Scotland, northwest England and Timber Systems manufacturing continue to perform well.”

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