Stewart Milne Group recognised for health and safety excellence for 12th consecutive year

Greg Johnston
Housebuilder and timber systems manufacturer Stewart Milne Group has been awarded its 12th Royal Society of Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Gold Award for an outstanding health and safety performance during 2020.
With over a decade of consecutive awards, this most recent accolade presents the organisation with its third RoSPA President Award, which recognised sustained achievement each year after nine succeeding Gold Awards.
Committed to improving health and safety in the construction industry, Stewart Milne Group has spent a number of years developing high quality policies and procedures to make sure all its employees work in a safe environment.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced the world into a global lockdown and pushed businesses to consider new ways of operating, the HSE experts at Stewart Milne Group adapted its policies to create government guideline compliant workplaces across its sites which ensured all employees felt safe.
Group HSEQ director, Greg Johnston, said: “We’re thrilled to have achieved our 12th consecutive RoSPA Gold Award and third Presidents Award, especially during a year which has seen such extreme change from a health and safety perspective for all business activity.
“As testing as the situation has been, Covid-19 has been an intense reminder of how important HSE procedures are.”
Responding to this challenge, Stewart Milne Group used the initial lockdown, when construction was suspended to establish a senior team, who would lead the return to work when guidelines allowed.
Meeting daily, the team focused on creating new robust protocols, risk assessments and effective staff communication methods, including training videos. Alongside regular contact from the organisation’s HSE team, a COVID-19 monitor was appointed at each development, guaranteeing working practices were compliant at all times.
Mr Johnston added: “As restrictions eased, we introduced a phased return and COVID-19 inductions were, and continue to be, carried out on-site.
“Communication with staff was just as important as implementing the new practices. It was vital the staff felt safe to work, so we made sure workers and visitors had access to as much information as possible, clearly outlining who to contact if they had any concerns.
“This award is a testament to the team at Stewart Milne Group, who have been dedicated to making sure the construction industry can continue to operate in the safest possible way during an incredibly difficult time for businesses and individuals.”
Stewart Milne Group works closely with occupational health partners to look after employees’ wellbeing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the group has taken additional measures to support the mental health of its employees as well as their physical health and safety.
All new processes have been developed to build on the organisation’s behaviour-based safety programme, ‘Choose Safe’ which promotes positive health and safety attitudes applied by those at work to drive a positive safety culture within the business.
Covid-19 guidelines are in place for all staff and are continuously reviewed by the HSE team and senior management.
The RoSPA Virtual Awards Ceremony will take place on September 9 at 1pm.