Structure collapse leads to Falkirk distillery revision
A project to restore the historic Rosebank Distillery in Falkirk cannot proceed as planned due to the partial collapse of a bonded warehouse on the site.
About this development:
- Authority:Falkirk
- Type:Commercial
- Applications:
- Team:ISG (contractor)

Work to partially demolish and extension the B-listed structure to form a visitor centre began in November 2019.
The £12 million restoration was paused by Ian MacLeod Distillers and Michael Laird Architects in March last year due to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.
However, in an effort to reduce costs associated with the project following the partial collapse, revised plans have now been lodged to consolidate space and replace the most dilapidated sections with a new build structure.
In their executive summary the architects explained: “In order to create a safe, useful and long-lasting structure, the design team have created a revised design that integrates new and old more comprehensively than the consented scheme. This has also allowed the design team to better tailor the development towards future uses, including potential fluctuations in visitor numbers and storage facilities required.
“The revised proposals retain the vast majority of the north canal-facing facade, ensuring that the heritage value of the site is not lost to the community.”
ISG had expected to complete the work in summer 2021.