Success of hub South East showcased in annual report
With a programme value of £835 million, hub South East Scotland and its clients continue to successfully work together to provide enhanced local services and achieve tangible benefits for partners and communities in the Lothians and Borders, its latest annual report has revealed.

The pandemic undoubtedly had a significant impact on business, clients and wider society during the 2020/21 reporting period. hub South East said it is proud to have been able to play its part in the response to this through the delivery of a number of mass Covid Vaccination Centres for NHS Lothian, demonstrating the flexibility and breadth of services available through the Hub model.
The 2020/21 Annual Report allows hub South East to reflect on the successes over the year and acknowledge the collective effort and achievements as partnership working continued and relationships have been strengthened. The report highlights the flexibility, innovation, value for money and social value delivered through hub South East’s projects, as well its ability to assist clients in meeting Scottish Government targets around place making, inclusive economic growth net zero emissions (notably including successfully delivering Scotland’s first public Passivhaus nursery).
Since 2010, hub South East has completed 88 new or refurbished facilities, ranging from healthcare and supported accommodation, to educational and community facilities. During this 12-month reporting period from April 2020, the hub team has worked on the completion of developments totalling £110m, with almost £70m in construction and development.
hub South East is also keen to ensure wider economic gain and maximising social value delivered through its projects. This has resulted in 423 new jobs, 546 apprenticeships and almost 4,800 work placement days to date. With 82% of construction work packages being awarded to Scottish SMEs, the use of local businesses and the reinvestment of the Scottish pound is encouraged.
Paul McGirk, hub South East’s chief executive, said: “Thank you to all partners who have contributed to this year’s achievements in such a challenging environment. We look forward with enthusiasm to a positive pipeline of work in the coming year and I am confident that working together across the South East Territory we can ensure the realisation of Hub South East’s aim to become our clients’ Development Partner of Choice.”