Taylor Wimpey secures West Lothian consent and submits new Edinburgh plans

Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has received detailed planning consent from West Lothian Council for the provision of 185 new homes located off Longridge Road at Heartlands, near Whitburn.

Taylor Wimpey secures West Lothian consent and submits new Edinburgh plans

Taylor Wimpey's Heartlands development

The development will provide a wide range of two and three-bedroom terraced and semi-detached homes as well as three and four-bedroom detached homes, pocket play spaces for children together with the associated infrastructure required for a development of this scale.

This land at Heartlands forms a key part of the masterplan development to deliver around 2,000 new homes, commercial space, as well as retail and leisure facilities all set in the tranquil West Lothian countryside.

Pauline Mills, land and planning director for Taylor Wimpey East Scotland, said: “We are pleased to confirm that an application for Approval of Matters Specified by Condition has been approved by West Lothian Council for our land off Longridge Road in within the popular Heartlands development, which continues our longstanding commitment to this impressive development right in the heart of Scotland’s central belt.

“As well as an impressive range of new homes, our next development of new homes at Heartlands aims to provide continuity of build from our existing development, as well as a range of economic benefits for the local Whitburn and West Lothian area. This includes supporting over 160 jobs per year of construction, as well as the attraction of new customers to local businesses from those who choose to live in one of the new homes this development aims to deliver.”

Elsewhere, Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has submitted an application for Planning Permission in Principle for the provision of new homes on land south east of Edinburgh at Highfield, Gilmerton located off Old Dalkeith Road (A7) and Ferniehill Road, Edinburgh.

Taylor Wimpey secures West Lothian consent and submits new Edinburgh plans

New homes at Kinloch Green

The proposals are still at outline stage but would include the provision of around 150 two, three, four and five bedroom homes, and 25% of properties will be affordable together with the associated infrastructure required for a development of this scale. The proposals could see much needed new private and affordable homes delivered earlier than other more complex development sites.

As part of the overall design of the development, Taylor Wimpey East Scotland’s plans include areas of high-quality landscaping and open space as well as the creation of new cycleways and footpaths for the new community to connect with the existing community in Gilmerton.

Pauline Mills added: “We can confirm that we have submitted an application for Planning Permission in Principle for our land off Old Dalkeith Road and Ferniehill Road in the Gilmerton area of Edinburgh.

“As well as an impressive range of new homes, our development would provide a range of economic benefits for the local Gilmerton and wider Edinburgh area which includes supporting over 160 jobs per year of construction, as well as the attraction of new customers to local businesses from those who choose to live in one of the new homes this development aims to deliver.”

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