Taziker Scotland donates vital supplies to local charities

During the summer months, Taziker’s Scotland team has actively engaged in fundraising efforts for various charitable initiatives.
The multi-disciplinary engineering contractor made significant contributions of food and essential items to address holiday hunger at the local Women’s Aid in East Kilbride, an organisation dedicated to ending domestic abuse against women and children.
Additionally, Taziker provided further donations to Men Matter Scotland, assisting the charity in organising weekly group sessions and activities designed to improve the lives of men and support their mental wellbeing.
Finally, more than 90 second-hand children’s books were donated to Long Calderwood Primary School in Glasgow as part of the Children’s Book Project, tackling the rise in book poverty and ensuring that every child has a book of their own.
David Field, regional director (Scotland) at Taziker, said: “The fundraising initiatives from the team have been outstanding, benefiting a variety of causes close to everyone’s heart. The team’s collaboration has been exceptional; I am immensely proud of our contributions to the community in such a brief period.”