Thornhill regeneration planned as part of local business expansion
A proposed expansion of an agricultural business could see a new housing estate built in Thornhill.
About this development:
- Authority:Stirling
- Type:Commercial, Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Inverdunning (developer), Ark Architecture + Design (architect), Pegasus Consultancy (planning consultant)

A community newsletter stated that JCC Group is considering leaving its current site at Burnside Works and moving to a field opposite. The firm has said that the vacated site could be redeveloped for local retail and cafe use along with a business/employment area encouraging new jobs/apprenticeships.
To help finance its plans, the firm and its partners also envisage building around 70 residential, mixed-tenure homes, and some affordable homes at the new site.
JCC’s current location is identified in the Local Development Plan for residential use. The site is said to have been examined and is subject to contamination. The firm is proposing working with the community to create an area, such as a village square, retail units, parking, and landscaping, with a redundant listed building perhaps becoming a community hub or café.
Company representatives said the plans have culminated from a need to relocate as the business is expanding rapidly and outgrowing its current location, which is on a corner site at the western entrance to the village and next to a residential area.
While a number of sites for relocation of the business have been considered outside of Thornhill, JCC’s preference is to remain close to the village, The Stirling Observer reports.
The representatives said: “The master plan comprising the proposed new employment area, residential use and re-use of the JCC site are inter-linked and the viability of which are based in part on the proposed new houses.
“In normal circumstances on this important matter, we would have presented our proposals to the local community to seek their opinions and ideas. The views of the local community are important and we would be pleased to answer any questions.
“The requirement for JCC to relocate and the cost of relocation are fundamental to this proposal, along with an opportunity for investment in Thornhill. There is a requirement for JCC to relocate in the immediate future.
“In terms of planning procedure and the next steps, the master plan proposal under the planning regulations would require to be formally consulted with the local community over a 12 week period, seeking views and ideas. After such time a planning application could be submitted to Stirling Council, whereupon all interested parties could make representations direct to the council.”