TPAS celebrates a successful year with awards ceremony
Barney MacKay, TPAS’ Chairperson, said: “Tenants, customers, staff and landlords deserve applause for their achievements. We’re lucky to be able to say, well done.”Evidence from across the country exhibited the benefits of working together. The judges said they were delighted and excited by the difficulties they had in picking winners.
The runner-up places and winners were as follows:
Best practice in developing communities:
Runner up: Shettleston Housing Association’s Development and Wider Role Committee.
Winner: Link Housing Association/Linkscape Team which implement street and landscaping improvements identified by the community.
Best Practice in involving young people:
Winner: Fyne Homes.
Best Practice in involving hard to reach groups:
Runner up: Impact Arts and Viewpoint Housing Association – Craft Café Programme.
Winner: ng homes working with African and Chinese communities in North Glasgow.
Best Practice in Involving Customers:
Runner up: Irvine Housing Association’s Scrutiny Panel.
Winner: Linthouse Housing Association.
Best practice in Tenant Led Scrutiny of the Charter:
Two runners up:
• Tollcross Housing Association.
• Aberdeenshire Housing Partnership Tenants Association Scrutiny Panel.
Winner: Team Blackwood, Blackwood Homes
Tenant and Resident Group of the Year:
Runner up: Castlepark and Eglinton Tenants and Residents Group.
Winner: Granitehill Tenants Association.
Tenant or Resident of the Year Award:
Runner-up: Peter McCarthy, Chairperson, Linthouse Housing Association’s Tenant Panel.
Winner: Dorothy Grant Chairperson of Troqueer Tenants and Residents Association from Dumfries.
Outstanding Officer of the Year:
Runner up: Dawn Baird, Customer Engagement Officer, Maryhill Housing Association.
Winner: Irene Madden from Moray and Aberdeenshire Housing Partnership.
Tenant Participation Champion of the Year:
Organisation: Management Committee at Shettleston Housing Association
Individual: Joan McTurk, Community Involvement Officer, Irvine Housing Association
Project: Rutherford Square Team, Scottish Borders Housing Association.