Trio of concept designs to redevelop fire-hit Troon station

A fire damaged the station last year
Proposed plans for the redevelopment of Troon station building following a fire which destroyed it in July last year are to be unveiled to the public.
Network Rail is inviting the local community and any interested parties along to a community drop-in event at the Walker Hall in Troon between 4.00pm and 7.00pm on Wednesday August 24 to see and discuss the initial concept plans.
Network Rail has worked with its architects and a number of stakeholders to produce three concepts to showcase.

Each of the initial concepts takes into consideration the look and feel of the remaining historic platform building whilst also allowing for modern interpretations.
The community engagement event will allow locals to feedback on the draft plans and ask any questions they may have on the planned works.
Jo Noble, Network Rail sponsor for the redevelopment of the station, said: “This is the first opportunity we have had to engage with the community in Troon and to bring forward initial proposals for the redevelopment of the platform station building destroyed by last year’s fire.
“We hope that people come along to see the initial proposals and to offer their views and ask any questions they may have about the work to reinstate the station building.
“We look forward to meeting everyone at the Community Drop-in on the 24th of August.”