Trump plans ‘world class’ expansion of Turnberry resort

The Trump Organisation is planning a major expansion of its flagship Turnberry resort in Ayrshire, according to reports.

Trump plans ‘world class’ expansion of Turnberry resort

The family business of US President Donald Trump has drawn up a masterplan for a new “world-class coastal retreat” containing up to 225 second and holiday homes, as well as leisure facilities and shops.

Documents obtained by Scotland on Sunday show plans for land adjacent to the resort which has been refused requests for rezoning to allow for development.

The building would be completed over three phases, with shops and leisure facilities included — but no formal planning application has yet been submitted.

The architects’ document describes “high-end private residential homes for retirement living”, which would offer “permanent tranquillity and respite” and address a social need among an ageing population.

It also says it would help meet “an ever-increasing demand for investment opportunities” and bolster employment.

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