Union craft workers asked to accept revised COSLA pay offer
The Unite union has recommended that its local government trades membership accept a revised pay offer from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).
The craft agreement, which is a separate proposal from the wider local authority offer, covers joiners, labourers, painters and electricians.

A previous offer was rejected in October.
COSLA’s current offer is 3.5% (2018), 3% (2019) and 3% (2020). The consultative ballot on the COSLA offer will commence on January 21 and close on February 4.
John Gillespie, chair of Unite Scotland’s construction committee, said: “Unite’s craft representatives in local government have on balance recommended acceptance of the COSLA offer. Although the offer doesn’t go far enough to make up for the years of austerity over the last decade, there is a recognition that there has been movement by COSLA to address a number of key concerns covering craft workers.
“Ultimately, this is now in the hands of our craft members who will make a democratic decision to either accept or reject the COSLA offer. Whatever decision that may be, Unite’s craft membership will have the full support of the union.”
Unite’s local authority sector committee (non-craft membership) recommended rejection of the revised pay offer from COSLA last week.