Under One Roof appoints Mike Heffron as chief executive

Mike Heffron
Under One Roof has appointed Mike Heffron as its new chief executive.
Following the registration last year of Under One Roof as a charitable organisation, Under One Roof now has a full-time employee who will be responsible for phase two of its long-term plan to expand the support it gives to tenement owners and their advisers.
Mr Heffron takes on the role after working as operations manager at Clan Childlaw, a charity unique to Scotland in providing legal representation and information to children. He has previously worked as operations manager for Australian National University’s Postgraduate Students’ Association, and prior to that as a policy and communications officer for NUS Scotland.
He will be taking over the reins from Annie Flint and John Gilbert, who have been tireless advocates of Under One Roof’s aim to help tenement owners understand and act upon their rights and responsibilities, and better understand the technical aspects required of tenement repairs.
Mike Heffron said: “It is a privilege to take Under One Roof, widely regarded as an organisation that punches far beyond its weight, and build it into a sustainable, fully staffed charity that continues to provide unique and valuable advice in Scotland for tenement owner-occupiers, landlords, factors, and other housing advisors.
“I look forward to working with these groups, and with the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government, Local Authorities and other stakeholders throughout Scotland to develop new ways to provide the best possible information and support for tenement flat owners.”