Updated regeneration plans for Shawlands Arcade released for consultation

Shawlands Arcade as it stands
Community views are being sought on updated plans for the regeneration of Shawlands Arcade.
The proposals are being brought forward by the Arcade’s owners, Clydebuilt LP, which is a property investment and development fund co-owned by Strathclyde Pension Fund and Ediston Real Estate.
Commenting on the plans, Neal Jamieson, director of Ediston Real Estate, said: “We now know that the majority of people are in favour of the proposed regeneration but we have also been told that the new development needs to be right for the community.
“As a result, we have been working with the Community Council and listened and engaged with the public to help us design the extensive new public space and gardens included in our proposals. The amount of new public realm will be significantly increased from 17% in the current Arcade, to 50% in our new design. This reflects community wishes for high quality European style spaces that both locals and visitors can use.
“We are now pleased to be launching a second stage of consultation to share these ideas with the wider community and we will be seeking further community input on the new proposals.
“For the regeneration of the Arcade to happen, it has to be commercially viable and this means that we need to retain control of some aspects of the design, such as the number of new homes. While all design points will be finalised in accordance with Glasgow City Council planning, design and transport policies, the proposed balance of housing and retail uses has been carefully considered to ensure a proposal that is realistic and deliverable.
“High volume residential development with low car ownership, is the most sustainable way to address Glasgow’s housing shortage, while also facilitating behaviour change, reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change.
“Bike storage and Car Club facilities will be provided on site and this, combined with improved pedestrian connections and Shawlands’ excellent public transport connections, will offer attractive alternatives to car ownership.”

The results of an initial community consultation undertaken last year show that almost two thirds of those who took part are positive or generally positive about the proposed regeneration. Most respondents were in favour of improved public space on Kilmarnock Rd and would like to see shops and leisure facilities on the same level as the Road - as opposed to raised - as they are currently.
Most taking part thought that the current Arcade is poor or extremely poor quality with the majority wanting to see a better range of shops and a mix of high street names and independent traders.
A common theme of the feedback was that the new development should reflect the unique character of Shawlands and play a role in the day-to-day life of the community.
A consultation event will be held on Tuesday 10th May between 3–8pm when members of the community can meet the team behind the proposals in person. It will be held in the former Farmfoods unit and to ensure the event is as Covid safe as possible, those interested in attending are asked to book a slot via the project website www.shawlandsarcade.com or call the freephone number 0800 987 5990.
There will also be a Livechat via the project website on Wednesday 11th May 3 – 8pm.