Video: Timber frames erected at Glen Albyn affordable housing development

How the site looked prior to development
Construction firm The JR Group has reached a milestone in the development of an affordable housing development in the Glen Albyn area of Kirkcaldy as the 18th timber kit has been erected for the 49 new homes planned.
The framework is the first milestone for the extensive development project, which marks the first time the JR Group has worked with Fife Housing Group and create a collection of two- and three-bedroom affordable homes, comprising two-storey houses and single-storey cottages.
The development has been sensitively designed to meet gold standards on energy, space and heating, incorporating photovoltaic solar panels on each block and enhanced wall, floor and roof insulation to achieve both silver and gold standards.
The completion of timber kits will permit internal works to progress at the site, allowing bricklayers to carry out work ahead of scaffolds and external plot work commencing in the gardens and driveways at each home. The works are due to be completed in early 2023.
Andrew Dallas, projects director of The JR Group, said: “It is great to see real progress being made at this landmark development in Fife. The erection of the timber frame gives real shape for the project and shows how far we have come in the delivery of the project since we started work.
“DC Timber, our timber kit business has helped us to drive the project forward as we enter the next phase of the build process as we strive for the 2023 completion date.”
Nicki Donaldson, chief executive of Fife Housing Group, said: “We’re delighted to be working in partnership with The JR Group to deliver these gold-standard homes in the local community and the timelapse video we’ve created really illustrates how much progress has already been made on-site.
“We’ve also been really impressed with how they have been able to manage the challenges presented by both the pandemic and current economic climate and look forward to continuing this positive and productive relationship into future developments.”