Views sought on A92 and A944 transport connection improvements

Two separate public consultations have started to help the process of identifying options for improving transport connections on the A92 from Bridge of Dee to Bridge of Don and the A944 Aberdeen to Westhill.
The studies, which focus on active travel and public transport connections, continue the ongoing work of Aberdeen City Council and partners to consider means of locking-in benefits of the city bypass (AWPR) on the principal transport corridors linking Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen.
The A92 corridor (Anderson Drive and the Parkway) between Bridge of Don and Bridge of Dee study is an appraisal of options for improving transport connections, in particular public transport and active travel (walking, wheeling and cycling) along and across the A92. The study also considers the B997 Scotstown Road/North Donside Road.
Key aims of the study are to identify options that:
- Reduce the severance effects caused by the A92 for journeys across the corridor, particularly for journeys by bus;
- Enable the A92 corridor to be a more effective connector between communities/key trip attractors for users of active modes;
- Reduce the environmental impact of traffic on the A92 corridor;
- Reduce real and perceived road safety risks for users of all modes considering travelling along or across the A92 corridor;
- Support the roads hierarchy by encouraging use of the most appropriate routes for local and through traffic;
- Improve journey times and journey time reliability for buses and emergency vehicles.
For the A944, the study is looking at options for improving transport connections, in particular public transport and active travel (walking, wheeling, and cycling) between Westhill and Aberdeen. It also includes the A9119 corridors.
Key aims of the study are to identify options that:
- Improve the quality of the pedestrian and cycling experience along the corridor and address the barriers which affect some groups moving around as a pedestrian or cyclist;
- Improve the quality of bus travel in the corridor for all users, enhancing the travel experience both for current bus users and to attract new users by reducing bus journey times and improving journey time consistency;
- Improving integration between sustainable travel modes.
Both of the public consultations are available via Aberdeen City Council’s website at Aberdeen City Council - Citizen Space until 1 July 2022.